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Official Publication of White Paper on Sustainable Operation of PV Power Plants 2017

In the forum, Chris Zou, Vice President of Solar/Fuel Cell Technology, TÜV Rheinland Greater China, officially released the TÜV Rheinland White Paper on Sustainable Operation of PV Power Plants 2017. Based on the results of a comprehensive market survey and data acquired from other sources, TÜV Rheinland conducted scientific analysis and shed light on the conditions critical to ensuring the continuous operation of and stable returns for PV power plants. The White Paper is devoted to helping enterprises, R&D institutes and investment enterprises in the PV power industry to understand the latest developments in the industry, seize market opportunities and make sound decisions concerning corporate development and operation.

Sustainable operational awareness should persist throughout power plant operation. 

The operation of PV power plants has three phases: design, construction and operation. Although phases of the construction process appear to be independent, experience shows that each phase affects both the next phase and the final profits at different points in time and to varying degrees. Overlooking a warning sign during a given phase or failing to carefully confirm and improve a phase may result in losses for the power plant and jeopardize its continuous operation.

Power plants should have complete and effective risk control schemes and recruit authoritative, just and independent third-party agents to conduct risk control for the entire process of conducting power plant projects. In the White Paper, TÜV Rheinland proposes recommendations for dealing with problems, easily implemented solutions and suitable tests for all phases of power plant operation, based on many years of practical experience.

Necessity and consequences of paying attention to operation and maintenace 

The life-cycle of a PV power plant is generally 25 years, beginning with the completion of construction. Among the challenges faced by the power plant industry is the need to maintain operations and actual profits. Professional maintenance and operation services can reduce operational risk and human cost. Currently, however, the standards for such a professional operation and maintenance (O&M) service provider remain unclear.

According to TÜV Rheinland, O&M companies must be subjected to fair evaluation and recognition procedures to ensure that they can fulfil their roles adequately. The three main factors used to select an O&M company are experience, technology and certification. O&M certification is used to standardise the management systems of O&M companies, and consists of two parts: a pre-audit of an existing power plant and a final audit after rectification. The term-by-term audit and quantised rating mechanism implemented in these two parts, respectively, provide objective third-party data enabling power plants to determine the capacity of O&M companies.

The rating and certification standards for the O&M of PV power plants formulated by TÜV Rheinland Group consists of eight items, each of which is divided into dozens of sub-items. It is a precise and comprehensive evaluation method that enables power plant enterprises to estimate the capacity and service quality of O&M companies via scientific ratings.

Introducing the concept of power plant insurance to achieve win-win results. 

Due to their long life-cycle and stable profit recycling, PV power plants are regarded as financial investment commodities. Therefore, risks to overall profits should be taken into account in the early stages of a power plant project.

When evaluating the potential for investment in a PV power plant, the owner, investor, lender and insurer shall consider a range of possible risks. However, due to information asymmetry, opacity and lack of impartiality, all parties behave conservatively and find it difficult to evaluate their own investment. A third-party testing, inspection and certification company is capable of correcting for information asymmetry and removing trust fences through its plentiful experience, professional technology and procedures to ensure impartiality and fairness, among other strengths.

For more details, please download the full text of the White Paper from the following address: 

TÜV Rheinland White Paper on Sustainable Operation of PV Power Plants 2017

Coverage of White Paper

- Installed capacity of PV power plants in the world’s major regions – China

- Survey on the operating environment of PV power plants

- Survey on the operating environment of PV power plants

- Survey on the operating environment of PV power plants

- Survey on the operating environment of PV power plants

- Survey on the importance of O&M

- Continuous operation of PV power plants:3.phases; 2.factors; and 1.circulation

About TÜV Rheinland

As a world-renowned independent third-party inspection, testing and certification institution, TÜV Rheinland boasts over 140 years of experience. It has branch institutions in 69 countries on all five continents and provides professional service support for clients worldwide. TÜV Rheinland Greater China has 25 branch institutions. Together, they offer transportation services, industry and energy services, electronic and electrical product testing, communication testing, consumer goods testing, human engineering evaluation, system safety evaluation, food safety evaluation, management system monitoring and other testing, certification, training and advisory services. TÜV Rheinland is known for its strict and high-quality testing and certification services. It provides various forms of independent and impartial professional assessment, and offers local enterprises high-quality services and solutions that meet standards pertaining to safety, quality, environmental protection and continuous development.

About TÜV Rheinland 2017 Solar Congress and “All Quality Matters”

TÜV Rheinland has organised an “All Quality Matters” Solar Congress and Award Ceremony every year since 2015 to enhance the mutual understanding of and promote cooperation between upstream and downstream enterprises in the PV industry and financial and insurance institutions. Within only 3 years, “All Quality Matters” has become one of the most important brand activities in the industry, dubbed “the benchmark in the PV industry”. It has coordinated the development of upstream and downstream enterprises in the PV industry with that of financial and insurance institutions by promoting mutual understanding and cooperation. The “All Quality Matters” awards are widely recognised and admired in the PV industry.
